Thursday, May 13, 2010

A quick update

Just wanted to let everyone know who may have book marked this blog that you need to change your bookmark over to the new blog.
This one will no longer be used.Don't worry you can also find the blog on my website.

I have been working on updating the site also,which is partly why there's been few new videos posted.I'm a newb,and teaching myself is slow.But for those of you who have been with me for many years I've made alot of progress! haha

I've said this before but feel the need to repeat it AGAIN! I cannot spend much time doing phone or cam until school gets out.Spamming my computer will get you nothing.When I am ready to get back to my shows I will,and as previously said it won't be long now.School gets out here on the 19th and I will be back to my workaholic self then.Until then chill the fuck out.

I have alot of cool things planned for when I return and I will try to keep you posted.Since it won't be much longer until I am back fulltime please go ahead and send me any video requests you may have.I know I am currently behind on a few videos.
I am not ignoring anyone,nor have I forgotten about you.

I am really looking forward to coming back to work and spending some quality time with my customers (and pets).I've missed you,and I don't think of coming back as work at all.For me it's more of a fun vacation.

Watching kids all day everyday ,cleaning,cooking and trying not to go insane is a JOB!

Anyway keep an eye out,I will be taking new pics soon.I think it's time to get them changed.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Old School

So I finally gave in and added some videos in the masturbation section that are from about 7ish years ago.
Theres also of course a few new ones in the smoking section.

The older videos obviously are not great quality,in fact they suck which is why I've never added them.Thank god webcams and such have improved alot since then.

Also I have been asked to do some pinup model trading cards.If anyone wants to send me 30 bucks I will go ahead and do that so you guys can have a trading card.The profits go to a feline orgaization to help cats.

Thanks for everyone who is being so patient with me not having alot of time on here lately.Only about a week left and I will be back fulltime if you can handle it.haha

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Girls rule and men drool....or so they say,and I just saw

So my chastity pet asked for another chance to cum...hmm.
This is my response to him.

And by the way,sorry it took so long to get your response...I kinda fell asleep.oops
Guess there goes half a day of your wait.A girl needs beauty sleep after all.