Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy new year!

So often I get asked what I normally wear when I am not working,here's some pictures for you.They aren't that great cuz I was in a hurry when I decided to snap them off for you.

Hope everyone has a great 2009,my new years resolution is to make more money this year,and catch up some bills,I figured that's on I might actually be able to stick to.Unlike,not smoking...cuz yea that ones tough.

I am still looking for a new photo host,but don't worry I will get the pictures back up.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Confessions of a future alcoholic

So I guess I need to write another one of these posts huh.I am so glad christmas is over,now I will have money again.So I am sitting here drinking some butterscotch schnapps.Yummy shit.I think I am addicted,that and to rootbeer schnapps.If you'd like to help fund my alcoholism just send a gift certificate to Yes I am much more fun to play with when I've had a couple shots.

I was thinking maybe I should cut my hair? I dunno tell me what you think.It seems anymore everytime I go to do a cam show for some horny man I end up fighting with my hair .It covers up my tits,and it's quite the battle to uncover them....but I do love to be victorious.

So here's some entertainment for you.Enjoy.I did.

Waiting on a new outfit to get here,and then I will be taking more pictures for you.I know the gallery isn't showing up right now.I am not sure what's up with that but I decided to give it a day or 2 and see if it pops back up.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Blood Bath

Hope you all have a great christmas.

I have updated a few things on the website.Thank you to sexslaveofsatan for making the 10 commandments of Sin.I've added a few new forum posts for you to enjoy.And finally got the video posted that I said I would.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Fucking Christmas

So I finally got the christmas pictures done.As usual they are posted in the gallery.The outfit I am wearing in the pictures will be posted on ebanned,along with the big ol candy cane.

So yesterday someone from the first baptist church here in town stopped and gave me an envelope with 100 dollars in it....Apparently they think I must be one of the poor familys in town.They are correct on that,but I wonder if they'd still have offered it if they REALLY knew me.Or if they saw this big pentagram on my wall?hmm.Ah well,a good witch is always a decietful witch? haha.

So theres also some more videos posted on the site.You can thank sexslaveofsatan for buying one of them for your viewing pleasure.As you all know any custom videos that are purchased are put on my site since I typically can't sell them to anyone else.Mostly because you guys love hearing me say your name on video.Which is cool,but if you happen to purchase one of my videos and are offended that other people might get to see it also,just say so.And I will not post it.Otherwise I'm sure everyone else enjoys a good show too,at your expense of course :)

Not much else to say today.I'm alittle dissapointed in myself that while I was covered from head to toe in blood I didn't think to make a video.But don't worry theres plenty more blood where that came from.

Ooh and before I forget to tell you what bad boys you've been.You should be leaving comments on my blog,atleast lemme know your reading this shit.Which I know you are.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


So I didn't get all the pictures taken that I wanted taken today....But I will get them before the weekend is over.I did get some new nun pictures posted in the gallery.Along with some other pictures I have taken for ebanned auctions and such.There's also some new blow job pictures posted in the gallery.I have decided to try to add some more pornish type pictures for you.I will say tho when I decide to fuck,I usually just do it....but for you,I am trying to remember to grab the camera first.

There is also a video I made for one of my customers posted on the free video page.Isn't that nice? Someone else bought a custom video and EVERYONE ELSE gets to watch it? haha.well what do you expect right? If you make me use your name or something in a video then I can't exactly sell it to anyone else,so the rest of the world may as well enjoy it for free.

Sorry I haven't been around as much.I've been ragging and I usually go into hiding,or use that time to do things I don't otherwise have time to do.

Like play starcraft....yes I am a gamer girl.Suprise!
So as always here's a picture for you.This one was sent to me by sexpriest.He was away on a spiritual retreat and decided to sin with the statue of the virgin mary for me.Isn't he sweet?Anyways I had to post this here because I know he will get a boner looking at it.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Satanic Sluts

So a couple weeks ago I applied to Satanic Sluts.

I just found out today that I got accepted.I am sooo fucking thrilled.I have told only a few of my loyal maggots about this and they are very excited for me.I should be appearing on the main website within 10 days or so.I will keep you updated.

Still waiting for my period to pass so I can get busy with the new photos.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bloody Kisses

Alright so I planned on taking some christmas pictures this week,and doing the new pictures with my new crucifix and nun outfit....but my fuckin period started...So I am going to wait.

However if theres any maggots out there who appreciate a bloody mess like I do now is the time to buy a cam show.As in NOW next 1-2 days. Otherwise theres not much blood to see.
Anyways so the pics are off for another few days.I could do more period videos/pics but honestly I don't have any period slaves.Atleast none that have came forward and said they enjoy it,so I don't see the sense in wasting my time.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Black Rain

So not to much going on.I plan on taking some more pictures this weekend,and probably making a new video.

I would like to thank the person who purchased one of the kiddy toys off my wishlist.My one year old will love it,and I greatly appreciate it.If anyone else is in the giving mood the link is here for you.
I have posted more of my items up on ebanned as well.I'll possibly be posting my old cross up on there that I've been using in my videos and pictures,but I have not decided for sure yet.