Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dearly Departed

Just wanted to get on here for a bit to update this thing since my last post was of a ...well you know.

I appologize for not being around much.I do not have a babysitter so I've been playing good housewife for now.I still make videos when I can squeeze in the time.But anyone who's had to watch 2 babies all day realizes at the end of the day your wiped and just want to go to bed.

Also I've been dealing with alot of personal issues and just trying to focus on what to do with myself but Sin is now single for the first time in her career.

On the bright side I will be returning to my live cam shows and such in about another month so I have not dissapeared I've just been delayed for a bit.

I've slowly been adding more videos onto and will hopefully get some more posted today as well.

I get a ton of mail and I'm sorry I'm a bit slow replying.Lifes been alittle depressing lately and I lack motivation,but I'm sure I'll snap out of it

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