Friday, August 21, 2009

Cigar Bizarre

I don't really have much to say today.
But I wanted to thank Tigerwheel for the new outfit that arrived today.I love it!

Also wanted to take the chance to post some pics of a box of cigars that were sent to me from Stef.I will be making some videos to go with these cigars soon,and take a photo set.

Also I have contacted the owner of Cyclone clothing which I model for.I'm sure I posted a link some time ago to his myspace page.I don't think he has his site up yet.Anyway I have asked him to take over making my clothing for me.

A few people have asked me if I autogragh items.So I figured if anyone wants to buy one of the t-shirts I will autogragh it for you before I send them to you.

If anyone is interested in one of these shirts please let me know,so I know how many to try to get made.I'll post a picture of the graghic that will be on the shirt.

I also want to let everyone know I get a TON of personalized video requests and I know in the past I've managed to have your videos done by the next morning or atleast within 2 days.This is alot harder for me to accomplish now that there is so many requests and also my schedule has changed alot.

Also thanks to my pyroaddict who sent me another new dress.I will be preparing to do a photo shoot of me being burned at the stake soon.

1 comment:

  1. For anyone who missed you last you night it was their misfortune. You looked exceptional hot in that outfit. Then again you always do :>}

    God how I would love an autographed T-Shirt but hum, how I would explain that to my children would be at best quite difficult. I know that I for one believe it is well worth the wait for your videos. Patience is a virtue but alas none of us here are virtuous. However, the wait is always worth while as we are well rewared. Hope to be lucky enough to catch you later tonight but one never knows. Until then you beautiful, hot, sexy, pretty redheaded lady of lust, sin and excitement.


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