Friday, August 14, 2009

Life of Luxury

So I am adding some videos to the website that are from many years ago.Hope you enjoy.I'm sure you'll be able to identify them when they go up.

I would like to thank Paul for sending me these lovely smokes.I have included a picture just because the big warning labels on them amused me.And of course the note was wonderful.THANK YOU!

Today I posted a new ebanned auction so for those who would like to go check it out and possibly win it here is a link.

I've been getting a ton of messages from people,I started smoking around 12-13.No I did not smoke openly in my house while I lived there,of course I moved out of my home when I was 16 to be on my own.But while I was there I stole cigarettes or used men to fetch them for me.I hope that takes care of some of the questions.No I didn't smoke anything in particular when I was younger,I smoked EVERYTHING much like I still do.However at that time marlboro reds were my favorite.
I'm pretty sure I knew how to use men to get what I wanted at an early age.I'm older now tho,and that much better at it.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful sinistress,
    Glad you liked the gift!
    I loved your videos... thank you.


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